Time is running fast. Probably many of you are already aware of the big thing happening on November 14th. In exactly three weeks.
However, although you have probably already watched the video trailer I shared a bunch of days ago, I voluntarily gave you little black metal sounds to listen from the new album, Hjørleifsljóð.
But today I would like to have your point of view (if you have a minute).
Finally, a streaming track!
So, Here it is.
You have the Soundcloud track player above, just click on the arrow to start streaming (exclusively on the Askrinn website) a full track from the new album.
Note : you might want to adjust the volume of your speakers as the beginning is slightly… powerful.
To give a little bit more background, since the album is built around several chapters from an authentic medieval text (in other words, a saga written around 1300 A.D. in Iceland), this happens to be the fourth track of the album.
It deals with some revenge story involving two kings, foreseen by the mysterious prophecy of a merman (included in a previous track, actually). The full lyrics translation (as it is sung in Old Norse) will possibly be revealed afterwards, but it does contain some nice plot twists.
So, do you like this metal track ?
Just leave me a comment below or on my social networks to let me know ! I'm excited to hear your point of view !
The album will be available as a 60-copies limited CD edition, which is already available for preorder as a free digital download.
To tell everything, there are only around 20 of them only left at the time when I write this article.
So what does the press say about the album for now ?
I have the idea of compiling all the reviews within one article in the future, however the feedback from all the reviews I have received so far is always positive. Therefore, I cannot resist to share with you some excerpts :
Askrinn has proven its mettle in terms of musicianship and conceptual integrity, and thats good
Listening to a song like 'Frá Konungum, Hjørleifi Ok Hreiðari' makes me remember why I (and some other maniacs all over the globe) started listening to Black Metal in the early nineties. The sound, the riffs, the vocals, the lyrics, the rhythm changes, the atmosphere, just everything.
Very promising band very skilled in creating Black Metal art
[It] is probably going to be the best black metal album of that month from what Ive seen so far
After these really appreciated articles, I can only but look forward to the upcoming ones on other webzines !
I also did an interview with SEER Promotions
Yes, SEER contacted me a few weeks ago in order to ask me a few - pretty interesting - questions.
Click here to read the full article.
I'm talking about various topics and it should give you a better idea of who I am - and why I am recording music for Askrinn. I give clues about the meaning of my one-man band's name, give some hints about what is coming next and talk quite a lot about paganism and other heathen beliefs.
I am indeed very interested in pagan esotericism. Reviving the bond people used to have with Nature is for me something important. Through this, I believe one can have a better understanding of himself/herself.
So I hope you enjoyed these fresh details about Askrinn and about the new album, which is to be released on November 14th.
Don't forget to leave be a quick feedback about the sounds, I'll answer to everyone !
Thanks a lot,