Things are getting faster. The album design is finalized, the final mix is done. In other words, many things are happening right now, in order to get the CD pressed.
So I have decided to share with you some fresh information. In particular, I have decided to reveal the full artwork of the physical edition of this new opus. But also a few other important news.
As I had finished mastering the album mid-August, I recently focused my energy on finalizing the artwork and the associated administrative tasks. In particular, I had to fill in some forms and settle a moderate fee in order to be allowed to include a cover of a song from Bornholm named "Hymn To The Forgotten Pagan Gods".
I also removed the already planned spoken-words intro and outro tracks. It was a bit of a tough decision but I eventually thought it would be better to maintain the focus on the black metal side. I have nevertheless included the corresponding lyrics in the album booklet, as they add to the concept while not being overly enlightening.
So here is the full artwork of this new pagan black metal opus that has been getting ready in Askrinn's studio. I definitely went for a minimalistic design. Do you like it? Just leave me a comment below!

Once everything got double-checked, I burnt the CD and shipped it to the pressing plant. They should receive it very quickly. I also provided them with the complete artwork, which they have already "processed" to make sure it adapts correctly to their printers/paper cutting devices. All good on this side. They have a quite fast turnaround time so I am positively excited about receiving the CDs in the next week or so.
As I mentioned previously, the album will be available as a free download, but also as a limited (60 copies) CD edition in jewel case packaging, soon available for preorder (stay focused on the Askrinn blog about this) Repressing would be an option depending on the demand.

Last but not least, you may have already noticed a quite new article, last week, in which I am giving an in-depth definition of pagan black metal. It is the first one of a series of texts dealing with wider topics than the pure Askrinn-focused metal news, following a concept I had already mentioned previously. The idea is to share with you more than just music, but also ideas and beliefs. To share more about what I think and what I like. While the first articles will probably be linked to the black metal scene, I am also interested in sharing about pagan spirituality in the future.
But tell me : what topics would you like me to write about? Any specific subject you would like to see covered? Just drop me a message below.