Category : News

Did you get your free metal download ?

20/JUN/2014 - News

Have you noticed this ?

A few days ago, I carried out some updates on the Askrinn website in order to ease a bit your navigation.

As you may know, the debut single, Fé Vældr Frænda Róge, had been already available through bandcamp since its release. However, I decided to provide it to you directly through my website.

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A video message to you

01/APR/2014 - News

Instead of typing a long text to keep you posted about the new album and to say thank you to the always growing number of followers, I decided to record a quick video.

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The new Askrinn album is Sold Out ! But you can still stream and download it for free!

Join The Tribe

Free Download !

Do you want to download some pagan black metal for free ?

Just head over to our download page and grab all the Askrinn music in digital format!